Exercises for breasts can help you to have a firmer bust by toning your muscles, so you’ll be happy with your appearance, regardless of your cup size. We have tested five special exercises for the upper body, which can do wonders if combined with a balanced diet and an active and healthy lifestyle.
Even saggy breasts, as a result of nusing period, can regain their beautiful appearance through an intensive program based on such exercises.
Sounds tempting, right? Then let’s see what you have to do:
Exercise 1 – Sit in front of a wall and slightly incline your body, leaning on the wall. Push as hard as you can and then return to the starting position. Relax a few seconds and resume. ,We call this exercise “vertical push-ups”. It will work both chest muscles and arms muscles, and in time you’ll definitely see the results. Try to do this exercise every day, 10 reps. It won’t take you more than 3-5 minutes.
Exercise 2 – Stand straight with your hands on the hips. From this position, try to touch your elbows, at the back. Of course, you will not achieve this, but this exercise is to stretch your muscles as much as you can, slightly lifting the breasts. The advantage is that you can do this exercise anytime, anywhere, without the need for special equipment or any accessory. Repeat 10-15 times, pausing a few seconds to relax muscles.
Exercise 3 – I would say that this is a classic exercise – Press your palms together in from of the chest and raise your elbows as high as possible. Simply push a palm into the other, until you feel the pressure at the bust. This exercise is ideal for toning muscles.
Exercise 4 – Use two weights of 1-2 kg each (or water bottles or bags of sand, if you do not have weights). Lie face-up on the flour, put the weights on the floor, then raise them slowly with the arms straight up overhead. You will feel how your muscles begin to work immediately. Do not overdo your reps – 10-15 per day are sufficient. This exercise is effective for both arms, as well as for breasts.
Exercise 5 – Stand straight. Imagine you’re at the bottom of a swimming pool. Raise your hands and “swim” as if you want to come out. At the same time, keep your chest muscles tense throughout the exercise. Repeat 15-20 times, with a few seconds of relaxation between exercises.
All these exercises will definitely help you get the much desired results, the only condition being perseverance. And to be even more effective, I’ll give you a few tricks that’ll help you:
– Try to stay right all the time, with shoulders back. Not only will you have a more feminine posture, more elegant, but you will help the breasts and the back to have an enviable tone.
– While you shower, alternate the hot water jets with the cold ones. This will help tone the bust skin.
– Massage can do wonders. Buy yourself a special lotion firming bust and apply it daily after showering.
– Never do sunbathing topless. The breast skin is very sensitive and the sun can prematurely age it.
– Use a special bra for support, each time you’re doing sports.