Warm weather pushes us to do an exercise program after spending all winter pampering with seasonal dishes. We propose a series of exercises to tone your thighs that will result in an enviable physical condition.
Ball Squats
If you want to have thinner thighs, this exercise guarantees the success. This is because it is based on squats, that move the muscles of the upper legs, especially. Position yourself with your back to the wall and put a Pilates ball between you and the wall. Then, let yourself down and get up shortly, while moving the ball with your back. Stay 3 seconds in position when you let yourself down. Start with five repetitions per training. In a few days of training you must be able to do at least 12 repetitions each training session.
This exercise involves movements that help you stay in balance for a few seconds. Stand on your feet, with a weight of 2 kg in the left hand. Bend your left leg slightly and put your weight on it, while you raise the right. The next stept is to lean forward and try to stay in balance. You have to do 12 repetitions on one leg. After a short pause (no more then 30 seconds), do this exercise on the other leg.
Plyometric squats
It is an exercise of agility, which requires a squat and a jump. It is a very simple exercise: All you have to do is to stay squatted, leaning slightly forward. Let yourself down, as when you perform a squat, then do a broad jump.
Circle on one foot
Lay on your back with your arms straight at your side and palms on the floor. Raise your left leg and stretch it very well. With the leg up in the air, make an ample side move – outwards, like wheeling the leg. Inhale, exhale and do the same movement with the left leg. Do five movements on each leg. It is very important to keep your muscles very tense during these movements.