The Most Effective Methods to Get Rid of Enlarged Pores

With age, not just thighs, belly and buttocks tend to increase in size. The skin also has to suffer and in addition to deeper wrinkles, we also have to deal with more dilated pores. Sun exposure destroys the deposits of collagen and elastin, substances that are designed to keep the skin supple and firm.

Thus, wrinkles begin to make their appearance and pores begin to dilate. If no measures are taken, pores become increasingly unpleasant, clogging leading to the appearance of blackheads, discoloration of the skin and to a loaded, clogged appearance.

Tricks to shrink the pores

Before going to bed you should cleanse and clean the skin in depth. Even if during the day you did not use foundation or powder, you should eliminate dirt and excess sebum. Wash your face with a salicylic acid-based soap that removes the dirt that clogs pores. Apply on your face a moisturizer with a loose formula, that does not load the skin, nor causes any irritation. Do not forget to use the sunscreen every day. Exposure to UV damages the layers of collagen that gives a smoother appearance to your skin.

Take care of your diet!

You need to have a diet rich in lean protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and Omega 3. Drink plenty of water and give up caffeinated drinks and sodas. Avoid excess dairy products. Food should be rich in vitamins A, C and B complex sites. Oranges for example help produce collagen, increase skin elasticity and reduce pore size. Tangerines have the same effect.

Ice cubes

Applying ice cubes is a simple and effective remedy to help closing the pores. It can often be used as a ploy to shrink pores before applying makeup. It also stimulates circulation. Wrap some ice cubes in a clean towel and hold them for 15-30 seconds or so. You can do this several times a day. When you notice an improvement, you can reduce the frequency of use. Alternatively, you can wash your face with cold water. To enhance results, add cucumber juice, apple juice, green tea or rose water in the cold water.

Sugar Scrub

Sugar scrub may be helpful in reducing enlarged pores. Mix two tablespoons of sugar, a tablespoon of olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on your skin and massage 20-30 seconds and then wash yourself with cold water. Resort to this mask twice a week. Put a little sugar on a slice of lemon and gently massage. You can make a combination of equal parts of honey, lemon juice and a little sugar. Massage the skin and leave on for five or ten minutes before rinsing. Repeat once a week, until you get the desired results.

Baking soda

The sodium bicarbonate acts as a gentle exfoliating agent removing excess oil, dirt and other debris found on the skin. It helps to balance the pH levels and reduces skin problems such as acne, due to its antibacterial properties. Mix two teaspoons of baking soda with warm water, apply on face and massage in circular motions for several seconds. Finally, rinse with cold water. Repeat the procedure every day for five to seven weeks, after which you can reduce the frequency.