We always seek to cover the signs that reveal our age, especially after 40 years. We try to improve the appearance of our face by using creams and treatments that prevent wrinkles or help us tighten loose skin. Unfortunately hands are often looked over, even though they are often the first victim of aging.
- Stimulate the blood circulation in the hands
Many people have problems of peripheral circulation. If you constantly have cold hands, is a sign that you are among them. In such situations, poor blood circulation in your hands is observed through a skin that lacks suppleness and vitality, because cells do not receive enough oxygen.
Here is a list with some plants that stimulate blood circulation in extremities:
- Horseradish: keep your hands for 15 minutes in a solution made from two tablespoons of grated horseradish soaked for one hour in 0.5 liters of hot milk;
- Carrots: grated carrot poultice;
- Jerusalem artichokes: boiled turnips cataplasms, followed by gentle massage;
- Lettuce: crush some warm lettuce leaves, then apply them on your hands;
- Celery: local baths with a decoction of celery;
- Mullet: boil mullet leaves in milk for 5 minutes, then apply cataplasms with this solution and maintain them for 30 minutes.
- Massage with essential oils: peppermint, lavender, linen and lemon oils are recommended for massaging hands.
- Apply masks and take medicinal baths
The masks used for face may also be used for hands: masks with clay and carrot juice, clay and rose water, clay and olive oil, cheese and bananas, cheese and honey, or cucumber juice.
Baths with milk and honey mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of wheat germ oil can be used for hands.
To prevent wrinkles make compresses with infusion of lady’s mantle (5 tablespoons to 1 liter of boiling water).
To maintain a healthy skin you need to drink at least 2 liters of water a day and eat foods rich in vitamin E (sea buckthorn oil, olives, nuts, soy beans), vitamin F: sunflower, pumpkin, peanuts, nuts, soy ), vitamin B6 (yolk, fresh cheese, corn, fish, liver, spinach), and zinc (meat, poultry, liver, fish, sunflower seeds, eggs, cheese).
Every time you leave the house, make sure you moisturizer your skin with a cream with sunscreen protection. Your skin can be damaged by ultraviolet rays that cause aging and the appearance of pigmentation spots. This way you will ensure that your hands will stay beautiful for a long time.